ripple effect

We all have an immense opportunity in this world to have a profound effect that extends beyond ourselves. 

Whether it is a plumber, a carpenter, a painter, a musician, a school teacher, or a gas station attendee… Each one of us is given the innate ability to have an impact on someone or something outside of ourselves. 

Let me explain what I mean by “something outside of ourselves”. This refers to the ability to affect not only another person, a child, a lover, a stranger… but beyond the human interactions we also have the ability to affect all living things; animals, plants, sea life, nature, the earth, the stock market, schools, politics, your local community, art, history! The list goes on. 

The key to this grand announcement is this… everyone has a special something they can either turn on or keep off. But, truly, there is a potential inside of us that is just waiting to be shared!!! This is the potential for a massive RIPPLE EFFECT!!

The historical greats were not great in the present moment, they were just doing what they believed in, were passionate about, and what lit them up!!! For so many change seekers, artists, philosophers, etc., it wasn’t until after the moment passed, or shit, after they passed that they were ever acknowledged for their ripple effect. 

The thing is humans are awesome!!! I believe the greatest moments of ripple effect are through acts of kindness, compassion and genuine authenticity in an action itself. Having a ripple effect is not about BIG EVENTS. It is about how you leave an impact on another, a place, or a thing outside of yourself.

When I think of ripple effects, two things come to mind. Music and Vern. Music is self explanatory. But, not Vern… he was our garbage man. For years, Vern picked up our garbage in our small mountain town, driving an hour from where he lived. When I first met Vern after moving into a new office, he introduced himself with a handshake and a smile. He welcomed me to the building and let me know the times he would pick up the trash. Sure enough, every Friday morning around 9 am Vern was there with a smile, a greeting, a joke and some days even a hug. I actually had the pleasure of moving to a new house on Vern’s route too, so I then got to see him Wednesdays and Fridays. Our exchanges were always uplifting and genuine as Vern asked about life and shared tidbits of news, jokes, etc. Then, after years of this, Vern announced that he was retiring. Soon, our small mountain town was all in the know of Vern’s retirement plans. A local made a Facebook post letting the town know that for him Vern’s retirement was a loss and he wanted to send him a card thanking him for his service and his kindness. This post blew up!! Stories of Vern filled the comments. People wanted to give back to Vern, money was donated and on the day of Vern’s retirement the community showed up on his route, all giving hugs and a card with a heap ton of donated money in it from those who wanted to give back too. It was such a big moment of genuine love seeing Vern tear up with his own gratitude for others showing up for him! His ripple effect through the whole community was seen and felt that day. 

Here’s the reality, there is a cause and effect for absolutely everything you do, say, create, think, act on, don’t act on, don’t say, don’t create, don’t do. You might as well stop right now and really take a moment to consider what ripple effect you already have had, would like to have, and are currently having because it is happening anyway!

This is mindfulness by the way. Being intentionally aware of your thoughts, emotions, actions, expressions, and behaviors.

If the greatest moments are those of kindness, compassion and genuine authenticity in the action itself, then no one is outside of this phenomenon. A smile and a compliment often have the biggest ripple effect as it touches a person's heart when it is authentic. Just as rad art on the side of a building has a feel good effect, so does a gesture of holding open a door or going out of your way to create a monument in your own yard at home. 

From the smallest to the biggest, cause and effect is unfolding. Having a lasting RIPPLE EFFECT comes from passion, creative action, and good will. From there, history happens, stories unfold and memories are made.

What’s your ripple effect? Is your greatest ripple effect how you treat others, is it the job/career you do, is it the art you create? Your “being-ness” of a human is important and does have a magnitude all on its own to affect outside sources with everything you do or don’t do. 

I say, begin choosing your ripple effect. Start small. Go BIG. Become someone’s story of how you impacted them. The reward of this will be yours to cherish. When we know we have impacted someone or something in a positive way, we can’t help but reap the rewards within our own body and mind. It feels good!


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